• Templates
    for Summative PRT

  • Peer Review Templates

You can download the template for summative peer review of teaching at HKU here [For HKU Staff only]

Informed by Chism’s (2007) work, the following eclectic list of items aims to support faculties in the adaptation of the peer review of teaching template to suit the requirements of the disciplines they teach and the different types of teaching sessions.

The prompts presented can be used to guide observations and note taking during the process of classroom observations. It is not necessary for teachers to write a note in response to every single prompt.

Face-to-face teaching/lecture

Design and plan learning activitiesPrompts
Appropriate learning outcomes• Are the intended learning outcomes and subject materials at an appropriate level for students? Are they too easy or too challenging for students?
The subject material• Are the learning materials relevant?
Clarity of course materials (e.g. handouts, slides, etc)• Is the format of the course materials (e.g. handout, PowerPoint slides) appropriate in terms of font size, amount of material, etc?
Logical links between learning activities• Does the teacher communicate the purpose of each learning activity?
Timing and planning of the overall session• Is the transition between different parts of the class smooth?
• Did the class overrun?
Facilitate learning through relevant approaches and environment
Clear introduction of topic and what is to be learned in session• Does the teacher communicate the intended learning outcomes/objectives clearly at the beginning of the class?
Mastery of topic/subject• Does the teacher show a good understanding of the topic/subject?
Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject• Is the teacher able to use relevant examples to explain the subject?
Delivery (clarity and speed)• Is the pace of teaching appropriate?
• Is the teacher audible?
• Does the teacher elaborate on complex information?
Level of student engagement• How often do students interact with the teacher?
• Are students taking notes or are they distracted and appear to lose interest?
• Does the teacher try to promote student interaction by introducing activities, such as think-pair-share, small group discussion?
• Does the teacher use any strategies to attract and keep students’ attention?
Ensuring all students can participate in learning activities• Does the teacher provide different options for students to engage with learning content, such as using a variety of instructional materials, resources and activities that can cater to different learning style/needs/abilities?
Provide support and guidance for learners
Appropriate use of learning technology• Does the teacher use multi-media appropriate to the subject?
• Does the teacher use interactive technologies (e.g. Mentimeter, Everywhere Poll, Kahoot!) effectively to engage students?
Environment is relaxed and inclusive• Does the class environment feel inclusive such that all students look comfortable sharing their thoughts?
Opportunities for collaboration and dialogue• Are students given the opportunity to work together in class?
• Is there time for students to ask questions?
Guidance to additional resources• Does the teacher recommend additional references or resources to support student learning?
Other aspectsPrompts
Assess and give feedback for learning• Does the teacher introduce any activity to check students’ understanding and is the activity relevant/appropriate?
• Are students given the opportunity to report back after small group discussions to get some feedback from the teacher?
Punctuality • Did the teacher arrive in class on time?
Rapport with students • Does the teacher chat with students before and after class?
Attitude • Does the teacher appear to be passionate/enthusiastic for the subject?
• Is the teacher able to make the subject interesting?
Class management• Is the teacher able to deal with disruptive students appropriately?


Design and plan learning activitiesPrompts
Appropriate learning outcomes• Are the intended learning outcomes at an appropriate level of challenge for students? Are they too easy or too challenging?
Experiment procedure• Does the experiment procedure reflect current practice in the field?
Clarity of instruction• Does the teacher explain the procedure of the experiment clearly?
• Is the laboratory handout clear and does it provide enough information for students to carry out the experiment?
Logical links between the experiment and the curriculum• Is the experiment relevant to the course curriculum?
Timing and planning of the overall session• Is the experiment of appropriate length for the time allocated?
Facilitate learning through relevant approaches and
Clear introduction of topic and what is to be learned from the experiment• Does the teacher communicate the purpose of the experiment?
• Does the teacher communicate the intended learning outcomes/objectives clearly at the beginning of the class?
Mastery of topic/subject• Does the teacher exhibit good understanding of the concept/theories that underlie the experiment?
Delivery (e.g. clarity, safety)• Is the teacher audible?
• Does the teacher emphasize on safety?
Level of student engagement• Do students ask the teacher for help?
• Are students concentrating on the experiment or are they distracted and appear to lose interest?
Provide support and guidance for learnersPrompts
Opportunities for collaboration and dialogue• Are students given time to ask questions?
• Does the teacher use any strategies to guide students?

Problem-based Learning

Design and plan learning activitiesPrompts
Design of the problem(s)• Are the problem(s) relevant to the course curriculum?
• Are the problem(s) at an appropriate level of challenge for students? Are they too easy or too challenging?
• Do the problem(s) reflect current issues in the field?
Facilitate learning through relevant approaches and
Clear introduction to problem-based learning• Does the teacher provide instructions and communicate the goals of the session clearly to students at the beginning of the session?
Mastery of problem-based learning• Does the teacher show good understanding of the procedures?
• Does the teacher follow *standardized procedure for working through each problem?
Level of student engagement• Are students actively engaged in addressing the problem(s)?
• Do students show an understanding of the goals and procedures of the session?
• Do students interact with the teacher?
• Are students working well as a team?
• Do students follow-up in researching information connected with address the problem(s)?
• Do students appear to have reached results that are satisfactory to them?
• Do students’ work show evidence of achieving their set goals?
Provide support and guidance for learnersPrompts
Facilitation of student learning process• Does the teacher help students understand the relevant content knowledge needed for the problem(s)?
• Does the teacher show good listening skills? Does the teacher use any questioning strategies to guide students?
• Does the teacher facilitate peer feedback by encouraging students to listen to each other and to respond to other’s viewpoints?
• Is the teacher able to draw non-participating/passive students into the discussion?
• Is the teacher able to manage the class and prevent specific student from dominating the discussion?
Other aspectsPrompts
Assess and give feedback for learning• Are students aware of the assessment procedures?
• Does the teacher provide comments and constructive feedback on student performance?
* If there are such procedures, such as refraining from giving answers, etc. they may be itemized and added to the template.

Studio Instruction

Design and plan learning activitiesPrompts
Design of learning activities/experiences• Are the learning activities/experiences relevant to the course curriculum?
• Are the goals of the learning activities/experiences in line with current exemplary practice in the field (e.g. architectural review, etc.)? [Specific items relating to the standards of the field can be inserted to support the review of specific elements.]
• Are the learning activities/experiences at an appropriate level of challenge for students? Are they too easy or too challenging?
Facilitate learning through relevant approaches and environment
Clear instruction• Does the studio instructor provide instructions and communicate the goals of the session clearly to students at the beginning of the session?
Mastery of topic/subject• Does the studio instructor show good understanding of the goals and procedures?
• Does the studio instructor demonstrate the relevant content knowledge needed for the session?
• Can the studio instructor demonstrate the techniques needed for the session?
Level of student engagement• Are students actively engaged in following the procedures?
• Do students show an understanding of the studio goals and procedures?
• Do students interact with the teacher?
• If students are working in groups, are they working well as a team?
• Do students appear to have reached results that are satisfactory to them?
Provide support and guidance for learners
Opportunities for dialogue• Is the studio instructor available for questions and assistance?
• Does the studio instructor use clear questioning and coaching strategies when guiding students?
• Does the studio instructor provide comments and constructive feedback on student performance?

Other Templates

The Faculty of Medicine in HKU is using an adapted version of the following template taken from Chism (2007, p.138-319), as a peer review checklist for reviewing clinical teaching.

Clinical Teaching

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Demonstrates respect for patients, coworkers and students
Demonstrate ethical conduct and discusses ethical issues with students
Exemplifies professionalism
Demonstrate enthusiasm
Serves as an appropriate clinical role model
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Technical Competence
Demonstrate up-to-date clinical skills
Demonstrate up-to-date knowledge
Develops an appropriate treatment plan
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Interaction With Students
Establishes rapport
Encourages all students to participate
Asks appropriate questions
Encourages students to defend their opinions
Elicits opinions before offering a diagnosis
Provides appropriate feedback
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Makes objectives and expectations clear
Uses time effectively

Course Outline

Characteristics which can be reviewedPrompts
Clarity of goals and objectives• Are the course goals and learning outcomes clearly stated?
Currency of content• Does the content portray the current state of the field in this area?
• Does it use readings or other materials that reflect the latest scholarship?
Level of challenge• Does the course require students to do an appropriate amount of reading and other assignments?
• Are these at an appropriate level of challenge?
Pacing• Is the course schedule realistic?
• Has the teacher selected a reasonable amount of content for the time allocated?
• Are the due dates for assignments distributed well?
Assessment and grading• Does the assessment align with the course goals and learning outcomes?
• Is the grading criteria clear and appropriate?


Area of activity 1: Design and plan learning activitiesPrompts
Appropriate learning outcomes• Are the intended learning outcomes at an appropriate level of challenge for students? Are they too easy or too challenging?
Experiment procedure• Does the experiment procedure reflect current practice in the field?
Clarity of instruction• Does the teacher explain the procedure of the experiment clearly?
• Is the laboratory handout clear and does it provide enough information for students to carry out the experiment?
Logical links between the experiment and the curriculum• Is the experiment relevant to the course curriculum?
Timing and planning of the overall session• Is the experiment of appropriate length for the time allocated?
Area of activity 2: Facilitate learning through relevant approaches and
Clear introduction of topic and what is to be learned from the experiment• Does the teacher communicate the purpose of the experiment?
• Does the teacher communicate the intended learning outcomes/objectives clearly at the beginning of the class?
Mastery of topic/subject• Does the teacher exhibit good understanding of the concept/theories that underlie the experiment?
Delivery (e.g. clarity, safety)• Is the teacher audible?
• Does the teacher emphasize on safety?
Level of student engagement• Do students ask the teacher for help?
• Are students concentrating on the experiment or are they distracted and appear to lose interest?
Area of activity 3: Provide support and guidance for learnersPrompts
Opportunities for collaboration and dialogue• Are students given time to ask questions?
• Does the teacher use any strategies to guide students?

Problem-based Learning

Area of activity 1: Design and plan learning activitiesPrompts
Design of the problem(s)• Are the problem(s) relevant to the course curriculum?
• Are the problem(s) at an appropriate level of challenge for students? Are they too easy or too challenging?
• Do the problem(s) reflect current issues in the field?
Area of activity 2: Facilitate learning through relevant approaches and
Clear introduction to problem-based learning• Does the teacher provide instructions and communicate the goals of the session clearly to students at the beginning of the session?
Mastery of problem-based learning• Does the teacher show good understanding of the procedures?
• Does the teacher follow *standardized procedure for working through each problem?
Level of student engagement• Are students actively engaged in addressing the problem(s)?
• Do students show an understanding of the goals and procedures of the session?
• Do students interact with the teacher?
• Are students working well as a team?
• Do students follow-up in researching information connected with address the problem(s)?
• Do students appear to have reached results that are satisfactory to them?
• Do students’ work show evidence of achieving their set goals?
Area of activity 3: Provide support and guidance for learnersPrompts
Facilitation of student learning process• Does the teacher help students understand the relevant content knowledge needed for the problem(s)?
• Does the teacher show good listening skills? Does the teacher use any questioning strategies to guide students?
• Does the teacher facilitate peer feedback by encouraging students to listen to each other and to respond to other’s viewpoints?
• Is the teacher able to draw non-participating/passive students into the discussion?
• Is the teacher able to manage the class and prevent specific student from dominating the discussion?
Other aspectsPrompts
Assess and give feedback for learning• Are students aware of the assessment procedures?
• Does the teacher provide comments and constructive feedback on student performance?
* If there are such procedures, such as refraining from giving answers, etc. they may be itemized and added to the template.

Other Templates

The Faculty of Medicine in HKU is using an adapted version of the following template taken from Chism (2007, p.138-319), as a peer review checklist for reviewing clinical teaching.

Clinical Teaching

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Demonstrates respect for patients, coworkers and students
Demonstrate ethical conduct and discusses ethical issues with students
Exemplifies professionalism
Demonstrate enthusiasm
Serves as an appropriate clinical role model
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Technical Competence
Demonstrate up-to-date clinical skills
Demonstrate up-to-date knowledge
Develops an appropriate treatment plan
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Interaction With Students
Establishes rapport
Encourages all students to participate
Asks appropriate questions
Encourages students to defend their opinions
Elicits opinions before offering a diagnosis
Provides appropriate feedback
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Makes objectives and expectations clear
Uses time effectively

Course Outline

Characteristics which can be reviewedPrompts
Clarity of goals and objectives• Are the course goals and learning outcomes clearly stated?
Currency of content• Does the content portray the current state of the field in this area?
• Does it use readings or other materials that reflect the latest scholarship?
Level of challenge• Does the course require students to do an appropriate amount of reading and other assignments?
• Are these at an appropriate level of challenge?
Pacing• Is the course schedule realistic?
• Has the teacher selected a reasonable amount of content for the time allocated?
• Are the due dates for assignments distributed well?
Assessment and grading• Does the assessment align with the course goals and learning outcomes?
• Is the grading criteria clear and appropriate?

Need more templates for more ideas? Here are the links to templates used in other universities:

  • Charles Sturt University [ link ]
  • Iowa State University [ link ]
  • The University of British Columbia [ link ]
  • University of Auckland [ link ]
  • University of Melbourne [ link ]
  • University of Minnesota [ link ]
  • University of Otago [ link ]
  • University of New South Wales Sydney [ link ]
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