• Reviewer Training

  • Reviewer Training

It is the part of the Summative Peer Review of Teaching Policy that all reviewers must complete either a face-to-face peer review workshop or the online Introduction to Summative Peer Review of Teaching course before they conduct any review.

The Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) runs the face-to-face peer review workshop. This workshop will help participants understand the role of a summative peer reviewer and good practices in professional teaching observations in summative peer review. Participants will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in applying standards and qualities of good teaching and in providing constructive feedback. They will be asked to complete a pre-workshop activity which requires them to watch a video and conduct a mock teaching observation using a Summative Peer Review of Teaching Form.

TALIC also offers another option, which is an online course. It contains one compulsory assessment component that you must complete in order to fulfil the course requirement.

Face-to-Face Review Workshop

Online Course

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